Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Scienze
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code SM05 5S351


Cognitive prerequisites concerning geology (lithology, stratigraphy, petrography), geophysics and geodynamics, basic concepts of topography, cartography and geodesy, as well as basic notions on geo-technologies (GIS, GPS, vector cartography, etc.) are essential to territorial analysis.

Development of the course

The course of geological and geomorphological survey techniques is delivered by means of class teaching and field mapping laboratory.

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide knowledge on methodology of risk analysis and on the geological risk agents, including techniques for forecasting and monitoring of extreme events. Through lectures students acquire notions seismology, volcanology, hydrogeology and engineering geology, with particular reference to intensity of expected phenomena and their impact on the environment and human activities.

Ability to apply the knowledge:
Through the study of a series of natural phenomena, enhanced in effectiveness by means of field visits and seminars, students acquire the ability to apply their knowledge to real-world examples and implement simple monitoring and control techniques. The understanding of matter is high on average.


List of content (classroom lectures, 6 CFU, 48 hours):
Introductory concepts: hazard, vulnerability and risk analysis
Methodologies of risk analysis
Seismic risk
- Earthquakes: general concepts
- Liquefaction of the soil under seismic conditions; case studies
- Tsunami, case studies
- Large earthquakes in history, case studies
- Earthquake monitoring and forecasting
Volcanic risk
- Volcanoes: general concepts
- Italian volcanism, case studies
- Volcanic monitoring and forecasting
Idrogeologic risk
- Landslides and avalanches: general concepts and classification
- Large landslides in history, case studies,
- Monitoring and forecasting slope stability
- Floods, general concepts and monitoring methodologies
Geomorphological risk
- Coastal erosion, general concepts and mitigation interventions

Development of the examination

Methods for assessing learning outcomes:
The assessment of proficiency is performed through a written test consisting of 30 questions formulated on all subject’s integrated course components, including geological and climatic risk and an oral discussion on the same.

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes: 
The student should demonstrate the understanding of general concepts and specific aspects of seismology, volcanology and geology and foundations of risk analysis.

Criteria for measuring learning outcomes:
The final grade is assigned in points, up to a maximum of 30. The exam is passed when the grade is greater than or equal to 18. In case of outstanding performance, the highest marks with honours (30 cum laude) is awarded.

Criteria for conferring final mark:
The final grade is awarded on the basis of the marks obtained in the oral test. Honours are granted whenever the student proves originality in the exposure and mastery of the subject matter. Being an integrated course.

Recommended reading

Barberi F., Santacroce R., Carapezza M.L., Terra Pericolosa, Edizioni ETS
Le scienze. Quaderni, n.59, Il rischio sismico, a cura di Enzo Boschi, 1991 
Crespellani T., Nardi R., Simoncini C., La liquefazione del terreno in condizioni sismiche, Zanichelli, 1991
Ollier Cliff, Vulcani, Zanichelli, 1994 
Le scienze. Quaderni, n.4, I vulcani a cura di Gasparini P., 1983
Storia Geologica d’Italia. Gli ultimi 200 milioni di anni. A. Bosellini, Eds. Zanichelli.
Geologia Ambientale. Teoria e pratica. F.G. Bell, Eds. Zanichelli.

  • Rischio ambientale e protezione civile

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