Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Scienze
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 8
Hours 64
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code ST01 3S228


Basic Knowledge of Cytology, Histology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology.

Development of the course

Lectures (7 credits, 56 hours) and practical laboratory work with small groups of students are planned (1 credit, 8 hours). Lectures and practical activities are supported in e-learning mode that contains: teaching materials, instructions for laboratory practice, reservation for laboratory exercises.

Learning outcomes

he student will acquire knowledge on the molecular basis of gametes differentiation and the mechanisms that regulate their interactions during fertilization in different experimental models with external fertilization (fish and amphibians) and those with internal fertilization (mammals). The course will enable students to acquire knowledge on the differentiation process of a wide variety of cell types, tissues and organs starting from a single cell, the fertilized egg. Students will be aware of the mechanisms at the basis of harmonic interaction among tissues and with the environment during embryonic development until the construction of characteristic adult structure. The study will focus on embryonic development in some model organisms: Drosophila, Sea urchin, Fish, Frog, Chicken and Mammal. Particular attention will be paid to the correlation existing between embryonic developmental stages and gene expression. In addition, particular focus will be addressed to: a) the transition from single-celled organism to multicellular organism, the role of cytoplasmic determinants at segmentation, formation of the body axis in Drosophila and vertebrates embryos. The role of Hox genes in the specification of the segments / somites. b) gastrulation movements and cellular interactions in the realization of the three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm) and gonad differentiation. c) the origin and destiny of nervous cells and of neural crest cells in vertebrates. d) Regulation of metamorphosis and regeneration. e) Regulation of cell death

Ability to apply the knowledge:
The contents presented in the class will be tested in a series of practical laboratory in which  the students will test the acquired knowledge regarding the first  developmental stage of different experimental models

Soft skills:
The execution of laboratory observations of the student contributes to improve the overall vision of the process, sharpen communication skills that comes from teamwork, and enhance learning ability in autonomy and to improve the ability to draw conclusions.


Content (lectures, 7CFU, 56 hours):
Introduction to Developmental Biology: history and concepts
Cell adhesion and  Migration
Gametogenesis: primordial germ cells development; function structure and development of eggs and sperm.
Fertilization and egg activation, block  to polyspermy
Cleavage patterns of representative Animals and blastula formation,
Gastrulation and formation of the three germ layers
Cell fate, potency and determination
Neural tube formation and its differentiation. Neural crest.
Sex determination: genetic, environmental and cytoplasmic control
Epigenetic processes and development, inactivation of the X chromosome
Body axis determination: polarization of body axis at oogenesis. Maternal genes predisposing the body axes; zygotic and embryonic pattern genes.
Pattern formation in Drosophila embryo : role of Gap, Pair rule and polarity genes; 
Specification of segments by homeotic selector genes in Drosophila.
Homeotic selector Genes in Mammals
Apoptosis: programmed cell death. the genetic control mechanisms during development, Ced 4-3-4-9 in C. elegans and analogs (Bcl2, Apaf-1 and caspase 9) in mammals.Mitochondria-mediated apoptosis Receptor-mediated apoptosis. Autophagy
Metamorphosis: the hormones as mediators of development in amphibians and insects

Development of the examination

Methods for assessing learning outcomes:
Oral examination
The final grade is given asking questions to the student on at least three different topics of the program.

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes: 
In the oral exam, the student must demonstrate knowledge on the molecular mechanisms at the basis of adhesion, movement and cell differentiation as well as of the acquirement of basic knowledge on the regulation of the timing and maintenance of development. During examination, students must demonstrate the acquirement of specific knowledge on the general aspects of the development and on the development of different organism models.

Criteria for measuring learning outcomes:
The final mark is awarded out of thirty. The exam is passed when the grade is greater than or equal to 18. It is expected to be awarded the highest marks with honors (30 cum laude).

Criteria for conferring final mark:
The rating is made up of the sum of the score reported in the individual questions that will take into account the understanding of the subjects (40%), the ability to link the different processes that occur during development (40%) and the appropriateness of the technical language (20%). Praise is attributed when the score exceeds the value 30, and at the same time, the student has demonstrated full mastery of the subject.

Recommended reading

Developmental biology, Andreuccetti et al., 2009, Ed. McGraw-Hill
Developmental biology Gilbert 4th Ed Zanichelli
Slides on the Moodle platform

  • Scienze biologiche

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