Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Scienze
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 7
Hours 56
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code SM02 W000018


Basic knowledge about zoology, anatomy and reproductive biology is required.

Development of the course

The course is made of lectures (6 credits, 48hrs) and small groups practical classes (1 credit, 8hrs). During the theorical classes slides, short videos and some Indonesian fishing equipment will be used.

Learning outcomes

The present course allows the student to obtain knowledge about aquaria and fish farms management, the equipment, element cycles in the tanks, knowledge about the most important fish species, reproductive strategies, the importance of phyto and zooplankton in aquaculture, as well as deeper knowledge about the embryonic and larval development of fish. 

Ability to apply the knowledge:
the student will aquire the following skills: aquaria and tanks management, performing chemical-physical tests.

Soft skills:
Laboratory activities, as well as the discussion by the students of some specific topics are essential to improve the student’s skils in terms of communication, ability in  making conclusions and presenting data to a audience.


Contenuti (lezioni frontali, 6 CFU, 48 ore):
Coral reef ecosystem: distribution and characteristics 
The aquarium: tanks, lightening, heaters
Filtration systems and water chemistry: the nitrogen cycle, different filtration systems, pH, temperature and salinity
Sand, grave, rocks and invertebrates.
Marine aquarium fishes  : pomacentrids, apogonids, serranids, butterfly fish, pomacantids, wrasses, gobies, surgeon fish , balistids, zanclids, dottybacks. Distribution, characteristics.
The life cycle of reef fishes: reproductive strategies. 
Fishing and transport methods: the market of the aquarium trade
Reproduction in captivity: photoperiod and temperature.
Food web: phyto  and zooplankton. Culturing methods.
HUFAs in marine fish diet
Examples of captive bred organisms: pomacentrids, gobies, pomacantids, wrasses, dottybacks , seahorses.
Intensive and estensive aquaculture
Floating  in-shore cages
off-shore cages  and  tension- legs
Farming marine species  (Sea Bream, Sea Bass, flounder, Salmon): reproduction; tecniche di intensive farming, larval feeding, growth out.
Farming fresh water species  (trout, surgeon): reproduction; tecniche di intensive farming, larval feeding, growth out.
Farming crustaceans  and mollusks

Development of the examination

Methods for assessing learning outcomes:
The exam is an oral talk about different topics of the program.

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes: 
Evaluation of the program through a  theorical and practical approach

Criteria for measuring learning outcomes:
The final scors is in thirties. The exam is evaluated as positive if a minimum score of 18 is obtained by the student. The maximum score is 30 e lode.

Criteria for conferring final mark:
the student will obtain 30 e lode  if he/she shows a deep knowledge of the topics.

Recommended reading


CALADO, OLIVOTTO, PLANAS, HOLT. Marine ornamental species aquaculture, 1st Edition, Wiley Blackwell.
SAROGLIA M., INGLE E. "Tecniche di Acquacoltura"; Edagricole 
BARNABE’ G. "Acquaculture" Vol. I, II, Technique et Documentation Lavoisier 
ROBERTS R.J. Patologia dei pesci" Edagricole Bologna 
Wilkerson, J.D., 1998. Clownfishes. A Guide to Their Captive Care, Breeding and Natural History, 1st Ed. Microcosm Ltd. Shelburne.
Thresher, R. E., 1884. Reproduction in reef fishes. T F H Publications, Inc Ltd.


  • Biologia marina

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