Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Scienze
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 8
Hours 64
Period 2^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code ST03 W000007



Development of the course

Theoretical lessons (5 credits, 40 hours) and laboratory practical work carried out individually or in small groups and field exercises (2 credits, 24 hours).

Learning outcomes

The course enables students to acquire the basic knowledge related to the Earth sciences 

Ability to apply the knowledge:
The student will also acquire the following professional skills: the ability to identify the rocks, Reading and interpretation of geological maps skills.

Soft skills:
Ability in communication and Synthesis.


The earth: structure and composition 
Major endogenous processes (volcanoes and earthquakes) – 
The minerals of the rocks: identification, technical properties, uses
Sedimentary rocks Formation of sedimentary rocks; structure of sedimentary rocks; classification of sedimentary rocks, carbonate rocks, siliceous rocks, clastic rocks and their varieties; pyroclastic rocks; organogenic rocks, chemical rocks. Fossil fuels; evaporitic rocks.
Magmatic rocks Extrusive and intrusive, classification by  Streckeisen
Metamorphic rocks Metamorphic processes and facies, types of metamorphism. Structure and composition of metamorphic rocks, index minerals of metamorphic rocks.
The expansion of the ocean floor The mid-ocean ridges, the large fracture zones, heat flow, the expansion of the ocean floor; paleomagnetism, reverse polarity. Exploration of the ocean, methodologies and tools, Margins, Platform, Escarpment and Upward. Sedimentation on the margins and in the deep sea. And sedimentation processes in different environments: transitional river slopes, glacial. Concepts of subsidence, isostasy.
Plate Tectonics Structure of the lithosphere, convective cells, causes movement of the plates, rifted margins, transform, active and dynamic descriptive elements. Arc-trench and their structure. Hot spots. Seismicity and earthquakes. The Orogenesis Examples: Alps, Apennines.
Elements of structural geology and structural geomorphology The deformations of the rocks; arrangement of rocks, factors that influence the deformation of the rocks; regional movements of the earth's crust. Faults, their classification and their elements. Grabens. Folds, their classification and their elements. Nappe.
Elements of stratigraphy Stratigraphic methods, principles and stratigraphic units. The Geological Time Scale
Topographic and Geological maps Elements of interpretation of topographic maps and geological maps, morphological profile design.

Laboratory exercises Igneous and metamorphic sedimentary rocks identification, Reading and interpretation of topographic and geological maps.

Fieldwork to Umbria and Marche hinterland to observe in the field what has been described in class and to identify elements of lithology Stratigraphy and geology. Use of the geological compass

Development of the examination

Methods for assessing learning outcomes:
Practical Rocks identifications (10 points). Written Test and later review / discussion of the papers (20 points).
In the test  20 open questions are scheduled. To Each question is given a score between zero and one. The exam is passed when the final grade is greater than or equal to 18. During the course of lessons is also the possibility to participate in trials ongoing (rocks identification).

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes: 
In the written test, the student must demonstrate knowledge of principles and methods (theory) of the fundamental of the earth sciences.

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes: 
The final mark is awarded out of thirty. The exam is passed when the grade is greater than or equal to 18. It is expected to be awarded the highest marks with honors (30 cum laude).

Criteria for conferring final mark:
The final grade is given by adding to the written exam (up to 20 points) one of the rocks recognition test (up to 10 points). honors is attributed when the score obtained from the previous sum exceeds the value 30 while the student has demonstrated full knowledge of the subject.

Recommended reading

Teacher’s Notes 
Capire la Terra - Frank Press & Raymond Siever (Zanichelli);
Scienze della Terra - Pompeo Casati (Città Studi Edizioni)

  • Scienze ambientali e protezione civile

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