Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Scienze
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 8
Hours 64
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code ST01 3S231


Basic knowledge of physics and general and organic chemistry. It is recommended to pass the course of Cytology and histology.

Development of the course

Both theoretical (7 CFU, 56 hours) and practical (1 CFU, 8 hours) lessons will be provided.

Learning outcomes

This course allows students to acquire basic knowledges plant biology, both in the general and in systematic aspects. The course allow students to learn the structure and function of cells, tissues and organs of plant organisms. Finally, the students will know main groups of plant organisms (algae, fungi and land plants) in terms of morphological, anatomical and reproductive traits and will understand their evolutionary relationships.

Ability to apply the knowledge:
The acquisition of knowledge by students are aimed to inspire a ‘botanical culture’, which is necessary to the general preparation of a biologist and fundamental for those who will begin one's career as a teacher. Students will be able to recognize plant histological preparations, organ sections and will be able to comprehend the plant biology, reproduction end evolutionary adaptations.


Theoretical lessons (7 CFU, 56 hours)
Introduction to botany. Cyanobacteria: cell structure, morphology, reproduction, distribution and ecology.
Origin of chloroplast and evolution of eukaryotes. The classification of plants in main eukaryote supergroups following the recent classification.
Algae. General characteristics, morphological and reproductive traits of main algal groups (Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta/Streptophyta, Dinophyta, Stramenopili, Euglenophyta). Notes on algal ecology.
Land plants. Adaptations to terrestrial life. Non vascular plants: Bryophytes. General characteristics and life cycles of mosses and liverworts.
Introduction to vascular plants. Pteridophytes: morphology and life cycles of lycopods, equiseta and ferns.
Spermatophytes: Gymnosperms (Coniferophyta, Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta); general characteristics, reproduction and life cycle. Angiosperms: (Dicotyledones and Monocotyledones) reproduction and life cycle; flowers, seeds, fruits.
Morphology and anatomy of Spermatophyta. Plant cell characteristics (cell wall, plastids, vacuole). Tissues and organs: meristematic (primary and secondary) tissues; adult tissues (tegumental, parenchymatous, mechanical, transport, secretory). Morphological and anatomical characteristics of roots, stem and leaves. 
Fungi: general characteristics and life cycles of Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota. Lichenes and Micorrhizae.

Practical lessons (1 CFU, 8 hours/student)
Foe each students, for practical lessons (2 hours each) will be done.
I. Setting up of cytological and histological preparations: observation at the light microscope of plasmolysis of the onionskin, starch granules after Lugol coloration, sclereids and collenchyma.
II. Setting up of transversal section of roots of Monocots and Dicots and microscopy observations before and after coloration (Toluidine Blue).
III. Setting up of transversal section of stems of Monocots and Dicots and microscopy observations before and after coloration (Toluidine Blue). 
IV. Setting up of transversal section of leaves of Monocots and Dicots and microscopy observations before and after coloration (Toluidine Blue). Observation of upper and lower epidermis.

Development of the examination

Methods for assessing learning outcomes:
Evaluation of learning will be effected by oral examination. Examination consists in three questions on the course topics.

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes: 
The final mark is attributed in thirtieths. The examination is passed when the mark is higher or equal to 18. The maximum mark is 30 cum laude.

Criteria for measuring learning outcomes:
The final mark is given in thirtieths. The examination is passed when the mark is higher or equal to 18/30. The cum laude assignation is also possible (30 cum laude). 

Criteria for conferring final mark:
The final mark is given considering the student preparation, the thorough knowledge and the exposition ability.

Recommended reading

PASQUA G., ABBATE G., FORNI C. Botanica generale e diversità vegetale. III edizione Piccin
LONGO C., MARZIANI G., 2005. Biologia delle piante. Forme e funzioni elementari. Utet.

  • Scienze biologiche

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