Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Scienze
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code SM04 5S348


Basic principles of cell biology and innate/adoptive mechanisms of the immune defence 

Development of the course

The course is organized in a number of lectures arranged into two parts. The part one deals with general virology (virus definition, morphology, classification, replication strategies, viral genetics, viral vaccines and chemotherapy); the part two deals with the specific virus families focusing on their distinctive characteristics. Every single agent, considered in the context of the viral family it belongs, is treated with special attention to the structure, biology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, diagnosis, therapy and prevention. There will be a guided tour of the virology laboratory.

Learning outcomes

The principal aim of the course is to provide students with a thoroughly and complete knowledge on the viral agents involved in a number of human infectious diseases. The student must have clear what are viruses, what is meant by viral infection, what are the pathogenic mechanisms put in place by major viral pathogens.

Ability to apply the knowledge:
At the end of the course students will be able to recognize the major viral pathogens for humans, the ways of transmission, the virulence mechanisms, and resistance to antiviral drugs. Such knowledge will prove useful in any job experience within a Microbiology laboratory at the Hospital or University setting.

Soft Skills:
Knowledge of the causes of major infectious diseases in humans, understanding the etiopathogenesis of infectious diseases and the complex host-parasite-environment relationship will improve the degree of independence of judgment in general, and the ability to draw conclusions.


General virology: introduction to virology, virus structure, replication, culture and genetics, mechanisms of viral pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis of viral diseases, antiviral agents and viral vaccines. 
Specific Virus Families: DNA viruses (Parvoviruses, Adenoviruses, Poxviruses, Papillomaviruses and Polyomaviruses, Human Herpesviruses); RNA viruses (Orthomyxovirus, Paramyxovirus, Rubella Virus, Flaviviruses, Rhabdoviruses, Arenaviruses, Hantaviruses, Filoviruses, Picornaviruses, Reoviruses, Coronaviruses, Retroviruses and HIV); Hepatitis Viruses.

Development of the examination

Methods for assessing learning outcomes:
Oral evaluation consisting of two/three questions about different topics of the program.

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes:
The student will be evaluated according to the knowledge of the topics in the program and the skill showed about them.

Criteria for measuring learning outcomes:
The final mark is awarded in thirtieths. The exam is passed when the rating is greater than or equal to 18. The highest marks with honors (30 cum laude) may be awarded.

Criteria for conferring final mark:
The final mark is given considering the completeness of exposition demonstrated in each reply. Honors are given when the student has demonstrated full mastery of the topic.

Recommended reading

Guido Antonelli e Massimo Clementi, “Principi di Virologia Medica”, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Patrick Murray Ken Rosenthal G. Kobayashi M. Pfaller: “Medical Microbiology” (Last Edition)

  • Biologia molecolare e applicata

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P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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