Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Scienze
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code ST03 3S863


Basic knowledge of law

Development of the course

Lessons (complete with attestations) and guided tours.

Learning outcomes

The course aims to give students the knowledge of the evolution of the civil protection system through the analysis of its historical development to its actual configuration in our country. The training activity intends to give students the acquaintance with the national and regional rules which regulate the subject and jointly with the organization of the civil protection system. This course also aims to encourage the practical approach, to give students the cognition of the various (normative, administrative, national, regional and local) levels of the system and to illustrate the organizational arrangement and the division of competence, responsability and functions.

Ability to apply the knowledge
The course aims to provide students the ability to exploit the acquired knowledge in order to apply them concretely. The analysis of the organizational system, programmatic acts and measures (orders, plannings, coordination centers, etc) will give students the ability to understand civil protection documents and to act concretely in that area.

Soft skills
The course aims to improve the knowledge of the organization of the civil protection system in our country and to promote the reflection about how the civil is set in the political and civil situation of our country and how it deals with it. At the same time the course intends to give students the necessary knowledge for the deepenings which can be developed through other studying levels.


The concept of civil protection 
Historical evolution of the civil protection The foundation of the civil protection national service
The administrative decentralization
The civil protection department
The management of large scale events
Civil protection and the reform of the Fifth Title of Costitution
Current structure of the civil protection national service 
Law 225/1992 and its evolution
Guidelines for the civil protection operation (prevention, prevision, rescue and restoration) 
Typologies of calamitous events
Civil protection units
Components and operative structures of the national service
Prefect and Mayor: evolution of these roles and their competence
Declaration of state of emergency
Civil protection orders (practical examples)
Operations centers for national, regional, provincial and local coordination
Operations rooms
National and regional operational directives and organizational models for the emergency management
National leaders of the civil protection system
National warning system
Regulations and civil protection system in the Marches
Regional structure and organizational system
Minimum requirements for the regional and national civil protection organization 
Planning: the Augustus method
Analysis of a civil protection municipal plan 
Voluntary work of civil protection (at national and regional levels)
Spreading the culture of the civil protection through the school system

Development of the examination

Methods for assessing learning outcomes:
The exam consists in an oral examination with questions aimed to assess the theoretical knowledge on the topics covered in the course

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes:
The questions of the oral exam are aimed to assess the student’s level of knowledge and comprehension on the topics of the course as well as his/her analysis and synthesis capacity.

Criteria for measuring learning outcomes:
The final exam mark is out of 30. The exam is considered passed when the mark is greater or equal to 18.

Criteria for conferring final mark:
The final mark is assigned on the basis of the student's ability to provide answers that demonstrate mastery of the subject with clarity. It will also evaluate the student's ability to link the topics covered during the course among themselves and with topics of other teachings.

Recommended reading

Lesson notes. Instalments given by the teacher

  • Scienze ambientali e protezione civile

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