Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Scienze
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period 2^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code SM03 3S339


Basic knowledge of Botany, Zoology, Ecology and Marine Biology

Development of the course

The course consists of both theoretical classes (4 credits, 32 hours) and practical laboratory classes (2 credit, 16 hours). 

Learning outcomes

The course will provide the students with the necessary information to work in environmental management and in biodiversity conservation.

Ability to apply the knowledge:
The students have to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during specific case studies, evaluating processes, phenomena, and environmental episodes, related to conservation and management of both coastal and off-shore marine environment.

Soft skills:
During the theoretical classes scientific papers will be discussed, stimulating their understanding abilities and emphasising the high interdisciplinary required to develop conservation projects.


Contents (theoretical classes, 4 credits, practical activities 2 credits, 48 hours):
Theoretical classes. Introduction to protection issues, nature conservation and managment.  Biodiversity and its conservation. Threats to marine biodiversity: loss of biodiversity, vulnerability, extinction, biological invasions. Species and habitat protection: endangered, vulnerable, rare, endemic and priority species. Convention and Directive for conservation. Marine protected areas, reserve effect. Introduction and reintroduction. Restoration project.  
Practical activities. Visit to an MPA and other protected areas to discuss with managers the main issues of managment at local scale.

Development of the examination

Methods for assessing learning outcomes:
Oral. The evaluation of the preparation of the student will be made by a final oral exam. Questions will be addressed to the main conservation theories, to biodiversity conservation, to national and international laws on biodiversity conservation. The problem solving skills will be tested by the analysis of case studies.

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes:
The level of knowledge acquired, exposed during the oral test, referring to lectures and to the practical parts, will be evaluated to assess the students’ preparation.

Criteria for measuring learning outcomes:
The final mark is assigned as a fraction of 30. The exam is successfully passed when the mark is equal to or higher than 18/30. The highest mark can be assigned cum laude.

Criteria for conferring final mark:
The final mark is given considering the levels of knowledge acquired and shown during the oral test, and it is conferred considering the theoretical and practical parts.

Recommended reading

Appunti di lezione (Power Point)
Cattaneo-Vietti R., L. Tunesi, 2007. Le aree marine protette in Italia: problemi e prospettive. Ed. Aracne, Roma. 1-249
Primack R.B., Carotenuto L. - Conservazione della Natura, Zanichelli, 2013

  • Sostenibilità ambientale e protezione civile

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