Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Seat Scienze
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 8
Hours 64
Period 1^ semestre
Language ENG
U-gov code ST03 3S438


Basic knowledge of Chemistry, Ecology and Environmental Microbiology

Development of the course

The course is articulated in theoretical lectures integrated with the analysis of case studies and numerical exercises.

Learning outcomes

The course provides the basic knowledge for planning interventions for the reduction of anthropogenic impact on natural ecosystems and on strategies and technologies applied for the environmental recovery and restoration. In addition, students will acquire knowledge about the relevant regulations governing the remediation and environmental restoration as well as those for the management and treatment of waste waters and solid wastes.

Ability to apply the knowledge:
The student will acquire the following professional skills: ability to identify appropriate strategies and technologies to reduce the effects of different types of pollution on ecosystems and to clean up contaminated environments under current regulations.

Soft skills:
The student will acquire skills useful for interfacing with agencies and institutional bodies responsible for the monitoring of the environmental quality and for the release of authorization for the remediation of contaminated sites.


Basic principles for quality assessment, management and restoration of ecosystems, environmental policy and legislation. Strategies and technologies for the identification, containment and treatment of oil spills. Problems related to biofouling development on artificial substrates, models of biofouling development, techniques for biofouling identification and monitoring, strategies and technologies for biofouling containment. Legislation in the field of environmental remediation, characterization plan of contaminated sites, systems for cleaning up and securing of contaminated sites,
in situ and ex situ technologies for environmental remediation, separation, transformation and immobilization processes of contaminants, chemical, physical and biological technologies, role of microorganisms in environmental remediation,
biostimulation and bioagumentation, co-metabolism, reductive de-halogenation, kinetic models of biodegradation of organic contaminants, bio-stabilization of metals and radionuclides, bioleaching of metals, biotechnological applications for environmental remediation, phytoremediation, use of microbial mats for environmental remediation, cost versus benefit analysis. Principles of functioning of wastewater treatment plants: primary, secondary and tertiary treatments, reference legislation for water discharges, processes for the stabilization of sludges and their final destination, constructed wetlands and lagoons. Principles of management and treatment of solid wastes.
Exercises: use of kinetic models for the assessment of the performance of bio-treatments applied to contaminated sites

Development of the examination

Methods for assessing learning outcomes:
The student will demonstrate his/her expertise by an oral examination on at least three questions.

Criteria for assessing learning outcomes: 
Students must demonstrate that they have acquired the knowledge on: the main drivers altering ecosystems and environmental quality, strategies and technologies to reduce human impacts on ecosystems, strategies and technologies for the remediation of contaminated sites in relation to current legislation, strategies and technologies for oil spill containment, strategies and technologies for biofouling treatment, wastewater treatments, management of solid wastes. The questions will allow assessing the student's ability to communicate clearly the information gained during the course.

Criteria for measuring learning outcomes:
The final vote is awarded out of thirty. The exam is passed when the vote is greater than or equal to 18. It is expected to attribute the highest score with honors (30 cum laude).

Criteria for conferring final mark:
The final vote is attributed following the oral test. Praise is given if the student demonstrates full mastery of the subject.

Recommended reading

Lecture notes
R. Danovaro, Recupero ambientale: tecnologie bioremediation e biotecnologie, UTET, 2001. 
Enitecnologie Agippetroli, La bonifica biologica di siti inquinati da idrocarburi, Hoepli, 2001. 
Hinchee, R. E. et alii, Applied Biotechnology for Site Remediation, Lewis Publishers Inc., 1994. 
Vismara R, Depurazione biologica, teoria e processi, Hoepli, 2001. 
Grillo N. G, Trattamento delle acque reflue. La fitodepurazione, Geva, 2003.

  • Scienze ambientali e protezione civile

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